Scalp Tattooing

Please give our specialist, Annette a call for an appointment and free quote.  Tel 07895 567829.

Scalp micropigmentation or hairline tattoo is the process where hair follicles are created by tattooing tiny dots onto the scalp. This treatment resembles the appearance of a short shaved hair style.   In a case of complete hair loss it is always helpful if the client can provide us with a previous picture so that we can match up the natural hair colours and previous hair line to create a realistic appearance.   Scalp pigmentation and microblading also works really well for thinning hair, hairline receding and crown balding by creating more density and cover scars too. Our cosmetic tattooing specialist is a Nouveau Contour trained practitioner and she is using the latest technology , the Intelligent HD machine. All are pigments are EU approved and we understand that your hair follicles are not the same shade or same spacing over the entire head.   Our aim is to restore self confidence to our clients by creating the illusion of a natural full head of hair.

Scalp micropigmentation or scalp tattooing is an immediate solution to hair loss at any stage and no recovery time required.

Scalp tattooing is less invasive than normal tattooing and the pigment is also different than the permanent ink that is used in normal tattooing.   Our natural pigment fade over time and can be adjusted if the hair colour chances or go grey over time.   One treatment usually last between 1 to 5 hours, depending on the hair loss extent. We recommend up to 2 – 3 sessions to get the perfect end result. One top up treatment every 2 years are required.

Cream is applied by the client prior to the scalp pigmentation treatment and most clients experience no discomfort during the scalp pigmentation procedure. Approximate price range between £80 – £100 per hour.

Creating a new hair line.

Creating more density in thinning hair for men and women.

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